Palante Tech Blog: 2011

Jon and I attended CiviCon and DrupalCon in Chicago this past week. We learned TONS from both and we're all about sharing the knowledge. We've added notes from both DrupalCon and CiviCon to our Raw Notes series. Hope you enjoy them; please comment and share if you find them useful!
Facebook API exposes all sorts of useful information – though apparently this changes on a very frequent basis.
Koumbit – non-profit cooperative (non-profit incorporation works better for this in Quebec), they handle not just projects but webhosting, monitoring, etc. Aegir – Meant to simplify management, updating multiple sites, has a web GUI, so clients can clone etc. sites themselves, do testing, and merge back into their main site.
Angie "webchick" Byron and Greg "heyrocker" Dunlap engage in conversation about the Drupal community, often acting as devil's advocate to each other's arguments and presenting opinions held by Drupal community members other than themselves.
Drush for Teams Workflow: // Write code git commit && git push //need most recent config? drush site-install -y welcom install drupal with profile with drush: drush site-install -y (which is the simplified command because of his drushrc.php) full command: drush si --yes $install_profile_name Create installation profile files to quickly start from scratch with your standard setup drushrc.php can include options you use often for drush commands (e.g. site-install)
Session by Dmitri Gaskin, awesome as always. dmitri01 [at]