Facebook API exposes all sorts of useful information – though apparently this changes on a very frequent basis.
Facebook will prompt someone when they sign up asking for permissions based on what you're asking for.
“The secret sauce” is “Access my data any time”. This allows you to pull info from their profile at any time without the user authenticating in order to get new data.
The module will add a “Fill this form” button that will populate a form from your Facebook info.
It works by creating custom hidden fields in a profile – one for Facebook user ID, the other for Authorization ID.
There's also a Drupal modeule that inserts Facebook Connect buttons and authorizations. It also automatically maps Favebook Ids to Civi fields. This makes it easy to map data to custom fields.
A cron job will crawl the FB profiles and update your db on a regular basis.
Code isn't open yet because it's buggy, but they'll do it soon and openly. However, they say it'll be ready “in a few weeks”.
There are already Facebook Connect Drupal module, but they wanted something very lightweight. The Drupal modules are heavy with authenticating. Also there's a lot of cruft relating to outdated FB APIs.
Facebook apps are domain-specific. So each domain would have its own app.
Facebook frequently changes their TOS around storing data frequently. There's a bit of sketchiness around this apparently. These folks make sure not to sell their info, but that's actually pretty tricky, if it's the client data.
There's also lots of stuff available from the FB Social Tools, and it's so simple that they don't try to include it in this tool.
This tool is currently Drupal 6, but they're looking to update it for Drupal 7 around August.
Qwerly.com – a “DNS for people” -lets you look someone up by e-mail address, Twitter profile ID, etc. and see ALL of their social networks.
PTP says groups want to be able to invite people who like their page to come to events. But there's a TOS issue, and the data IS accessible.
FB has the “Graph API”, which lets you pull up just about anything via JSON:
URLs with “me” get info on your own ID. That lets you see who you liked, your friends, etc.
A great idea: Linking CiviEvent with Facebook events. E.g. what if you could run a report of everyone who said “Yes I'm attending this event” on Facebook, but didn't register through Civi?
FB now lets you do iframes in pages – so you could theoretically put a contribution page into a Facebook app.
LinkedIn's API is pretty new, the presenter is exploring the options around it.