
Screenshot of youtube video

Recently Jamila Khan of our Digital Security team, participated in a panel discussion titled Securing Our Digital Future for Netroots Nation. Jamila and the others on the panel discussed the current threat landscape, how to begin implementing a security plan, recommended resources, and more. Thank you to Stephen Switzer of Funders for LGBTQ Issues for inviting Jamila to be part of this panel!

Tags: digital security, resources
Harvard Law School LGBTQ Advocacy Clinic logo

Hello everyone!  Palante Technology is elated to introduce and recommend a wonderful publication from the LGBTQ+ Advocacy Clinic at Harvard Law School entitled PROTECT YOUR PEOPLE: A digital toolkit for organizations and employers to combat anti-LGBTQ+ harassment targeting their membersPalante, being digital security professionals who work with LGBTQ+ frontline activist organizations and individuals, is proud to have contributed to the above as consultants.

Tags: digital security, resources
pattern of hearts, some broken reading drupal 7, others not broken reading backdrop

Dear Palante Community, 

Drupal 7 was released to production and usage in the year 2011, and since then has helped so many communities, nonprofits, and human beings manage a digital presence. It’s with a heavy broken heart that I announce on this Valentines Day that Drupal 7 end of life is set for November 1st 2023. 

Tags: community, resources, drupal-7, backdrop
Photo of the Palante coop members at the 2020 winter retreat

This piece was originally published in the 2016 print edition of Model View Culture. We get frequent questions about the basics of tech worker cooperatives, so we're sharing this here!

Tags: resources
inbox showing subject lines with emoji

As of version 5.23, CiviCRM has supported utf8mb4, the text encoding required to use emoji. There is now a simple API command to convert your entire database.

Tags: resources, CiviCRM, bulk mail, utf8mb4

We maintain a wide variety of hardware and systems not only for our nonprofit clients, but also for ourselves. One challenge of that is connecting unique systems into one platform for monitoring.

Tags: resources, powershell, icinga, monitoring
Screenshot of the Schedule Meeting screen in the Zoom Windows app

Palante has published a new technical guide to Zoombombing self-defense! This detailed guide describes steps to take and settings to adjust before, during and after a Zoom event to protect our communities from Zoombombing and other intrusions or disruptions. The guide accompanies our recent post about how Zoombombing works and how we can use existing community safety principles and practices to defend our work and our people in virtual spaces.

Tags: digital security, resources
An iPhone displaying Zoom in the app store, resting on a laptop with a coronavirus-related news story. Photo by Allie Smith on Unsplash

While the coronavirus pandemic has slowed down or entirely shuttered much of our world, neither organizing nor the hatred and violence that makes that work essential have stopped. Much of our collaboration and gathering has moved onto the internet; there, we have begun to encounter "Zoombombing" and other kinds of disruption and harassment familiar to gamers and others who have long used the internet for much of their social interaction and engagement. By combining the community safety principles, practices and skills we already use in our movement work with some easily accessible technical know-how, our organizations and communities can become better equipped to prevent and defend against the violent disruption of our work as it moves online.

Tags: digital security, resources

One of the ongoing services that Palante offers is regular updates of virtual private servers (VPS). VPS run a lot of the critical infrastructure on which our client’s websites and databases depend. Updates to these servers provide critical security patches and are really important to the overall security and uptime of an operation. 

Tags: resources

Heartbleed bug logoPalante Tech Coop has been tracking the Heartbleed bug since it was publicly announced in early April 2014. Read below for tips on how to protect your organizational and personal data and find out about steps Palante's taken to protect our clients.

Since there's a lot of possibly initimidating text below this, here's a handy jump menu that will let you skip down to the section that's most relevant to you:

Tags: resources