Posted 09.10.2009 by Jack
These are truly raw notes taken at the CiviCRM Developer Camp in NYC. These notes are mostly intended for and thus primarily decipherable by me, but I’m sharing them in case there’s something of use or interest for other folks.
- When first creating CiviCRM Views, if CiviCRM & Drupal are in different databases (which is recommended), the user for the Drupal MySQL user in has to have permissions (perhaps just Select permissions?) for the CiviCRM database. You also have to go into CiviCRM Global Settings >> Administer >> Configure >> CMS integration and follow the instructions in the Views integration settings box to update your Drupal settings.php file.
- When you create a new view, you'll see different CiviCRM options under View Type. Even though you select a specific view type, e.g. CiviCRM Contributions or CiviCRM Contacts, other fields that are related to those types' tables will be available to you in your view.
- You can add the available CiviCRM fields to your view as usual. Also as usual, you can do neater, more powerful stuff by creating Relationships and Arguments in your Views that are based on the newly available CiviCRM fields.