Posted 09.10.2009 by Jack
These are truly raw notes taken at the CiviCRM Developer Camp in NYC. These notes are mostly intended for and thus primarily decipherable by me, but I’m sharing them in case there’s something of use or interest for other folks.
These sessions are very hands-on, so my notes will be more sparse than normal as I try to keep up!
Session One
- CiviCRM-specific Drupal modules don't need to go in /sites/all/modules/civicrm/drupal/modules; they can go anywhere in the modules folder (e.g. /sites/all/modules)
- Lobo advises not closing the
- CRM_Core_Error::debug - displays debug error on the screen on page load. CRM_Core_Error::debug_var dumps info to a log file in the civicrm upload directory
- When creating custom CiviCRM templates, you should save them in a directory outside of /sites/all/modules/civicrm and then tell CiviCRM where that directory is in Administer >> Configure >> Global Settings >> Directories. If your changes don't go into effect, you need to get rid of the sites/default/files/civicrm/templates_c directory (where templates are cached) either through your filesystem (rm -rf) or by enabling Debugging in CiviCRM (Administer >> Configure >> Global Settings >> Debugging) and adding the "directoryCleanup=1" argument to a civicrm URL (e.g. http://localhost/sandbox/civicrm/admin/setting?reset=1&directoryCleanup=1)
- When you see stuff like "CRM_Utils_Array::value", it's a CiviCRM class. CiviCRM classes tend to correspond to the code & directory structure, so if I go to civicrm/CRM/Utils/Array.php I'll find a function there called "value." Brilliant!
Session Two
- Looked at multicurrency module: - ways to deal with currency conversion for events with international participation & managing discounts
- Also looked at multisite module:
- Random tip: when using the buildForm hook, $formName corresponds with the form's .tpl file (which you can get by viewing source) 99.9% of the time